Additionally, SEBI now mandates advisers to maintain a deposit with a scheduled bank, marked as a lien in favour of a body ...
Capital markets regulator Sebi is training a large language model (LLM) to further cut processing times on approval ...
The markets regulator’s framework for specialised investment funds outlines exposure limits and disclosure requirements to ...
Under the proposed regulation, people involved in suspicious trading activities will have to prove that they have not done ...
Sebi is training a large language model (LLM) to reduce processing times for fresh funds and schemes. The regulator aims to ...
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) on Tuesday published proposed amendments to tighten the norms for ...
The regulator is expected to meet with its Board on December 18 to discuss a slew of modifications and regulations aimed at ...
Sebi's Ananth Narayan says about 20% of AIF investments are structured to avoid regulations on NPAs, bankruptcy, and forex.
To address this concern, SEBI's MITRA platform will create an industry-level, searchable database of inactive and unclaimed ...
In a consultation paper floated in January, Sebi had pegged the circumvention by the industry at ₹ 30,000 crore. The year ...
Capital market regulator Sebi has appointed a forensic auditor at TARC Limited to examine the financial statements of the ...