Surya Namaskar, or Sun Salutation, is a sequence of twelve yoga poses that offer numerous physical and mental benefits.
Embrace the sun’s vitality and the moon’s calm to create a balanced practice that supports your body and spirit.
2. Cardiovascular benefits: The flowing movements in Surya Namaskar encourage deep breathing, which increases oxygen uptake and circulation. This oxygenation of the blood and improved circulation ...
Kareena Kapoor Khan has mastered many yoga asanas, and the 44-year-old is very disciplined about her exercise routine. Take a look. 9 Health Reasons Why Women Must Perform Surya Namaskar Every Day ...
Performing Surya Namaskar thrice daily provides a moderate cardiovascular workout, which enhances heart function and improves ...
Surya Namaskar consists of 10 poses i.e. Pranamasana, Hasta Uttanasana, Hasta Padasna, Ashwa Sanchalanasana, Dandasana, Ashtanga Namaskar, Bhujangasana, Parvatasana, Ashwa Sanchalasana, Tadasana.
Surya namaskar or sun salutations offers a range of benefits for physical fitness, mental well-being, and energy balance, ...
Surya Namaskar, an age-old yogic practice, is a comprehensive exercise, which contributes to mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. The namaskar is an obeisance to the Sun God or ...
There are 12 mantras that accompany the surya namaskar postures, which praise the different qualities of the Sun God or Surya. When surya namaskar is performed with the chant of mantras ...