The abduction, forced marriage and forced conversion to Islam of women and girls in Egypt, where the population is about 10 percent Coptic Christian, often has been met with skepticism and ...
With its rich religious heritage and ancient history, Egypt has immense potential to become a leading destination for ...
This view is shared by most adherents in nearly all religious traditions, including 82% of Jews, 79% of Catholics, 57% of evangelical Protestants, and 56% of Muslims. (From the US Religious Landscape ...
A recent course in Egypt’s southern city of Aswan has ... but evidence shows it is still well behind the conversion of Coptic Christians to Islam in the country. A number of Muslims who ...
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has endorsed Egypt's plan for the early recovery and reconstruction of Gaza.
Advanced Arab civilizations had emerged long before Islam ... Zenobia reigned over the Levant, Egypt, and eastern Anatolia, relying in part on the region’s Christian communities.