When you shop at Ocean State job lots, you can save lots of money. See how you can save your family money on groceries. Be An ...
WARWICK – The former Christmas Tree Shops in Warwick, with its distinctive roof line and patterned stucco made to look like an ancient European building, opened on Saturday as an Ocean State Job ...
Ocean State Job Lot, the Rhode Island-based retailer with more than 150 stores in the Northeast, will open a new store this fall at 799 N. State St. in Pottstown, according to a news release.
NORTH KINGSTOWN – Ocean State Job Lot is sending 40,000 pounds of food, water, clothing and cleaning supplies, as well as pet food and supplies to people affected by the California wildfires.
Ocean State Job Lot is donating supplies areas impacted by the wildfires in California. The retailer donated 30,000 pounds of supplies Thursday. OSJL partner, the United Cajun Navy, is ...
Whenever Kelly Walsh travels, there is a sort of store she gravitates to. It’s “curated” (though she admittedly hates that word) and bursting with delicious cheeses, drinks, and other treats ...