What were 374Water’s origins? Mr. Gannon: 374Water was originally founded at Duke University, where a brilliant professor by the name of Marc Deshusses invented our AirSCWO technology. At the time, ...
Let’s start with an introduction of sorts to Berry. The company has a more-than-100-year history, but could you review the important points in its recent history, as well as an overview of the company ...
Can you please share an overview of the company? Mr. Sceli: Sure. Westport Fuel Systems is a Canadian business, traded both on the TSX and the NASDAQ. We are made up of three basic key units. The ...
The Wall Street Transcript is a completely unique resource for investors and business researchers.
Is there anything you want to note about your coverage research focus to start? Mr. Hallead: I’m the Head of Global Energy Research at The Benchmark Company, and my primary focus has been on energy ...
Please start with a brief look at your role at Gabelli, the subsectors, and the three utility funds you co-manage. Mr. Winter: I am a portfolio manager and utility analyst at Gabelli Funds. I ...
Could you please start with an introduction to your recent new role at Raymond James? What do you exactly do now? Mr. Molchanov: I have been at Raymond James since 2003, and I started a new, somewhat ...
The Wall Street Transcript is a completely unique resource for investors and business researchers.
For those who haven’t seen last year’s interview with The Wall Street Transcript, could you give us a brief introduction to Lifezone Metals, including the mission of the company and the services it ...
Tom Deitrich was appointed President and Chief Executive Officer and named to Itron Inc.’s board of directors in August 2019. He joined Itron in 2015 as executive vice president and COO and has ...