Again, they’re never specific about what Tulsi Gabbard supposedly does and doesn’t believe. What’s clear is that she is ...
In a recent Gallup poll, 69% of Americans expressed “not very much confidence” or “no trust” in the media. Thankfully, after ...
Needless to say, after three hours of this show, I left miserable, but hey, Angela was happy. But, I am glad that she forced ...
He cited a study that found that although the U.S. has the costliest healthcare system in the world, it ranks 42nd in life ...
The WSJ reports, “His Liberal Party is losing once-safe seats, and some members of his caucus say Trudeau needs to go. And ...
The main promise of assisted suicide proponents is that it would only be for the terminally ill in severe pain – people ...
We know that the CIA sponsored an operation known as AMSPELL, which was designed to infiltrate leftist organizations in the U ...
A new sheriff is coming to town. The free gravy train for the irresponsible and illegals is going to be over. "Free" is giving way to personal responsibility and earning the rewards you seek. "Free" ...
For Kristol, the move from Trotskyism to neoconservatism was never a departure from globalism, but a rebranding of the same internationalist philosophy. His belief that America must lead the world by ...
In the two separate attacks in Israel, our situation room was able to identify drones as they left Tehran and headed for Tel ...
Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!) and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how ...
Annually, a think tank or an economist states that our Social Security funding will run dry by a certain year, unless we make ...