The African Fish Eagle is a bird of prey known for its iconic call and impressive hunting abilities. The species is widespread and can be found in almost every country in Africa south of the Sahara.
The opposite is also true. In the 19th century, European cattle brought rinderpest—a virus that’s nearly always fatal to hoofed animals—to Africa, and it caused buffalo numbers to crash ...
And both African and Asian elephants bury their dead. While "an elephant never forgets" may be a bit of an exaggeration, the animals do have remarkable memories. Elephants file important details ...
The white-backed vulture is the most common and widespread vulture in sub-Saharan Africa. It is recognizable ... on carrion—the carcasses of dead animals—and, by eating flesh before it rots ...
The African elephant is the largest land mammal, growing up to 13ft (4m) at shoulder height and weighing around 6350kg (14000lbs). Living up to 70 years elephants are famous for their wisdom and ...
Wildlife Animal Protection Forum of South Africa seeks investigation into ‘legitimate concerns’ over animal exports to India ...
This unit of three sessions imagines life at a typical waterhole in the African bush as animals come and go to drink and wash…and engage in the daily battle for survival. The emphasis is on ...