As our society shifts closer towards technocratic oligarchy, expanding corporate dominance will continue to sideline ...
A s antisemitism has been ratcheting up over the last few years, I’ve been thinking a lot about Karl Marx’s essay “On the ...
The financial crisis and the pandemic have shown how modern Europe deals with crises. And it's not pretty, writes Paul ...
Here we explore how Christian antisemitism moved beyond the Church, influencing major secular thinkers like Karl Marx, ...
Opinion - With the world bombarded with information, the concept of truth has become more disintegrative. As opposed to earlier when religious, philosophical, and historical doctrine helped shape the ...
In three successive elections, Trump scored 49 percent, 51 percent, and 56 percent of the non-college vote, despite the fact ...
With an average annual income of $315 per capita, Nepal is the second poorest country in Asia after Afghanistan and one of ...
In her new book, A History of the World in Six Plagues, Edna Bonhomme describes a 2014 epidemic that decimated a neighborhood ...
While conditions and wages vary based on that society and what workers have won, every worker is exploited in a capitalist ...
Garside, a working man, achieves his academic goals and becomes too full of himself, especially when his peers ask him to run for Parliament.