The Dover School District announced Tuesday morning on Facebook that Mark King has been selected as the program's next ...
Randy Vitales collapsed during a Dover High basketball game two weeks ago. Tuesday, his team celebrated those who saved him ...
"(Simmons is) a physical presence for us on both sides of the floor, and I think he put that on display in the fourth quarter ...
It was Senior Night for the Dodgers, and that presented three upperclassmen with a rare opportunity to begin the game, and ...
School Board President David Conley hasn't explained why the change is necessary, but he's emphatically advocated for it.
Keg Stand (Bar Hopping) made amends for an earlier harness racing defeat and won convincingly in the $25,000 Open Trot ...
DOVER — Since the original $19 million plan was rebuffed in December, members of the city's Joint Building Committee have ...
The sixth extension for the developer has no deadline for supervisors to act on the proposal for 200-acre warehouse complex.
The incident started with a robbery at a Corinth home, where the suspects allegedly pushed an elderly woman to the floor.
Shares of Dover Corp. DOV shed 1.39% to $195.94 Monday, on what proved to be an all-around mixed trading session for the ...
City leaders haven't said what caused the problem but reported there's been no breach of security or personal information.
Additionally, the Planning Commission has approved the transfer of 29 acres for the new Schaeffler plant on the north end of ...