The animated film Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is the only movie where Batman and the Joker are voiced by the same ...
Echos #5!! Since her introduction in Batman: The Animated Series, Harley Quinn has taken on a life of her own. Her quirky ...
With Mike Flanagan writing a Clayface movie, there's finally a chance to do an underrated Batman villain justice with a ...
Only the appearance of Gary Puddles (Leigh Gill), a colleague from Fleck’s clown days, stacks up. He details the carnage and ...
Wendy Williams has been spotted in a rare outing amid her ongoing health battle with primary progressive aphasia and ...
After a scene-stealing role in The Penguin, many are wondering whether Cristin Milioti's Sofia Falcone will be seen again in ...
“Hey, Batman defends his hometown and makes sure no one takes it ... cleats and gloves based off the villain The Joker. “And ...
Some of the best graphics of the year can be found in this loving homage to Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and early 90s video ...
Wreckfest has been helpful as an outlet for the anti-calm that would envelope me after any given driving lesson. Driving - in case you have been doing it for years and have grown a thick layer of ...
Discover the top 10 most anticipated movie sequels of all time. From The Godfather Part II to Avatar: The Way of Water, these films captivated fans worldwide.
Marketing for James Gunn’s Superman movie is officially getting up, up and away. Warner Bros. on Monday debuted the teaser poster for the first film in the relaunched DC Universe under Gunn and ...