Since being instated at the start of this academic year, the UCSB mealswipe donation program has collected 932 swipes and ...
A comprehensive guide to the perfect vegetable soup I moved into my Isla Vista apartment in June 2023 for the summer session after my freshman year. My roommates were only joining me in the fall, so I ...
Below is the recipe for this sandwich, which of course is open to modification, but I recommend that you stick with the original recipe for your first time! This sandwich certainly packs a powerful, ...
UCSB’s Iaorana Te Otea hosted its annual Winter Lū‘au on Jan. 18, showcasing Hawaiian hula dancing, drumming and solo performances.
The Resource Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity is hosting a Graduate Student Coffee Hour on Thursday, Jan. 23, from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Graduate Student Association Lounge.