The Parliament established following the 2020 elections ends its four-year mandate today, a period that can be characterized ...
The coffee chain has concluded a strategic partnership with Invenio Partners and Accession Capital Partners, accelerating its ...
Marcel BoloÅŸ: "We remain in the «BBB-» category; fiscal-budgetary consolidation measures must follow"*Economics professor ...
The balance sheet of his own government is a positive one, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu claimed yesterday, at the end of the ...
Cocoa bean futures hit a new all-time high of more than $12,000 a ton on the New York Stock Exchange on Tuesday, as concerns ...
Climate change is causing milder winters, with a greater number of days in which temperatures exceed 0 degrees Celsius, ...
The life of many children is not a fairy tale, on the contrary. Material problems greatly affect their development. In ...
Tech giant Meta has been fined euro251 million by the European Union over a security breach that hit its Facebook platform in ...
Trouble never comes alone, not even in climate issues. The ways in which people consume and feed themselves are causing ...
CorporaÅ£iile trebuie să depăşească simpla dominaÅ£ie a pieÅ£ei ÅŸi să îÅŸi asume un rol activ în societate, fapt ce presupune ...
PreÅŸedintele USR, Elena Lasconi, susÅ£ine că formaÅ£iunea nu are un aliat în Partidul NaÅ£ional Liberal. "Dacă eram aliaÅ£i, acum ...
PreÅŸedintele USR, Elena Lasconi, îl critică termeni duri pe preÅŸedintele Klaus Iohannis, considerând că acesta este ...