Stephen Amell, Suits

Currently, Suits LA has an approval rating of 36% on Rotten Tomatoes. An audience score will not be known until after the ...
This is the world of Suits, of course there was a sports joke — and yes, Us is sharing Suits LA premiere episode spoilers.
The highly anticipated first episode of "Suits LA" is now out, but when will new episodes drop on NBC and Peacock? Here’s the release schedule so far.
Suits LA is now on NBC. The premiere was full of shocking betrayals, mysteries, and jaw-dropping moments. Check out this quick recap of the first episode.
Suits LA kicks things off with a rocky pilot, but within that first episode is an unintentionally hilarious moment for the ...
Opening Shot: “NEW YORK 2010.” A group of rowhowses. There, federal prosecutor Ted Black (Stephen Amell) tries to persuade a ...
Billed as a spinoff of the beloved USA Network dramedy, the series centers on a former federal prosecutor from New York who's ...
This brand-new offering from the original series creator, Aaron Korsh takes viewers right back into the legal world.