Discover daily furry fun facts. Whether adorable or kind of gross, our pets never cease to amaze us. Join us in exploring their world!
A recent study published in Quaternary Research describes the discovery and identification of possible aardvark tracks and ...
Dogs fascinate and inspire us with their playful behavior and extraordinary senses. Still, there’s always more to learn about ...
Some of these giant vegetarians were as tall as a 3-story building. Microscopic analysis of their teeth, bones and eggshells ...
Looking for random tidbits to bring out at your next dinner party? Here are 167 random fun facts suitable for anyone in your ...
What is the leading national park in Africa? According to the World Travel Awards (WTA ... Mana Pools is a premier safari destination in the dry season, where animals gather to drink, offering ...
Here, we’ll learn ten great African penguin facts and find out exactly why these wonderful birds are so close to extinction. Another African penguin fact is that they weigh between 5-10 pounds and ...
They are also the rare animal species where males do the majority of infant care. Female cassowaries lay eggs and then leave the nest, so males incubate the eggs and then raise the young chicks.
Photos of the giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis), captured by wildlife photographer Marius Nortje in Kruger National Park, South Africa, show growths on the animal's face, neck and torso.
An exotic amphibian from Africa is believed to have been found at a Brighton florists shop. A small frog was discovered hidden in a bunch of foliage by Neil Stribbling-Rushton, owner of Hunter ...
Late in 2023, South Africa filed papers against Israel with ... Let the International Court of Justice decide, on the basis of the facts and evidence before it, whether there are merits to our ...