There is a kernel of truth to the idea that hot lemon water can benefit the immune system. Lemons are loaded with vitamin C, ...
Embrace the sun’s vitality and the moon’s calm to create a balanced practice that supports your body and spirit.
Performing Surya Namaskar thrice daily provides a moderate cardiovascular workout, which enhances heart function and improves ...
The practice of Sun Salutations requires a focus on the coordination of breath and movement, promoting mindfulness. This ...
Surya Namaskar, or Sun Salutation, is a sequence of twelve yoga poses that offer numerous physical and mental benefits.
Surya Namaskar consists of 10 poses i.e. Pranamasana, Hasta Uttanasana, Hasta Padasna, Ashwa Sanchalanasana, Dandasana, Ashtanga Namaskar, Bhujangasana, Parvatasana, Ashwa Sanchalasana, Tadasana.
Yoga, pranayama, meditation and cleansing techniques work together to strengthen immunity and improve overall health in a ...
Chandra Namaskar, or Moon Salutation, is a graceful and soothing practice that complements the well-known Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation). While Surya Namaskar is energizing and invigorates the body, ...
Yoga increases flexibility, reduces stress and anxiety, builds strength and promotes weight loss. Learn types of yoga, ...