February is Black History Month, dedicated to the legacy of African culture in America. But with events commemorating the birthday of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. starting in mid-January, the San ...
Penn is celebrating its 30th annual Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Symposium this year with events ranging from ...
Jesse Williams hopes viewers of his short doc Hopes, Hoops & Dreams are reminded that true change comes from "meeting people ...
The information contained in the memos won’t be confirmed until 2027. That’s when the FBI’s full audiotapes, photographs and film footage of King will be unsealed per a 1977 court order.
There’s always the possibility that something would slip through that would be the tiny tip of a much larger iceberg that ...
Rustin and Randolph worked again in 1948 on a successful campaign to end segregation in the U.S. military under President Harry Truman. A pacifist, Rustin protested World War II by resisting the draft ...
Northwest is dedicating a celebration week to Martin Luther King Jr., in order to share his legacy and educate about his activism.
If someone asked you, “On what day did Martin Luther King Jr. visit Mankato,” you’d probably look at them quizzically and say, “Wait, what? Martin Luther King Jr. was in Mankato? The Martin Luther ...
The short documentary features Andrew Young and the late Jerry West talking about the connection between basketball and civil ...