Season 2 of Severance keeps giving fans new puzzle pieces, but the origins of the name Gemma might be the key to putting it ...
Season 2 of Severance opens even more questions about what's true by subtly making Outie-Mark disappear for 24 hours.
The goats have been a huge talking point since their confusing debut in Severance season 1, and we still don't know what on ...
After the mind-bending season premiere, “Goodbye, Mrs. Selvig,” the second episode of Severance Season 2, plunges us deeper into the enigmatic world of Lumon Industries, leaving us with more ...
According to series creator Dan Erickson, none of the theories that he’s read so far are correct. Let's prove him wrong, ...
Is that Helly R. on our screens... or Helena Eagan?
As the second season of Severance rages on with its sophomore episode, more details and doubts are revealed about Lumon, MDR, ...
In Severance Season 2, Episode 2, one of the biggest questions about the timeline is finally answered. At the end of Season 1, the Innies (the work versions of the characters) believed that nearly six ...
Severance is upping the ante. Following the season two premiere, fans tuned into the latest episode, titled 'Goodbye, Mrs. Selvig' on Friday, where we finally learned what happened to the 'Outies' ...
Mr. Drummond is a new character brought in during Season 2 of Severance and played by Ólafur Darri Ólafsson. He is the head of security for Lumon Industries, the core company in the show.
Severance season 2 episode 2 name dropped Cold Harbor, which we know a link to a specific character if you were playing hyper-close attention.