هنوز 178 هزار و 817 نفر آوارگان لبنانی به خانههای خود که بهدلیل حملات اسرائیل ترک کردند، باز نگشتهاند. - Anadolu Ajansı ...
Country to hold national dialogue next year to enable conversation among citizens on shaping future development path, says ...
Twenty-five photojournalists, including two from the Turkish international wire service Anadolu, were honored with "FOTON ...
Ѕидовите на централниот споменик на плоштадот Марје се покриени со стотици фотографии, а на секоја се наведени имиња и ...
Our principal view is that there should be no negotiations without Ukraine, and Ukraine has to be there to define the ...
ИСТАНБУЛ (АА) - Турските безбедносни сили неутрализираа најмалку деветмина терористи на ПКК во Северен Ирак, соопшти денес ...
Decrying 'massive destruction of civil infrastructure' and high numbers of victims, German spokesman says: 'That raises big ...
Асад, кој владееше со Сирија речиси 25 години, побегна во Русија на 8 декември откако антирежимските групи ја презедоа ...
Total number of individuals targeted by EU restrictive measures on Belarus rises to 287, number of organizations stands at 39 ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin accused Washington of attempting to push Moscow to its "red lines," warning that Russia will ...
Jordan and Iraq agreed Monday to back efforts aimed at supporting Syria’s security and stability following the downfall of ...
In 1st statement since his sudden ouster, Bashar Assad claims he planned to keep fighting but Moscow evacuated him - Anadolu ...