There is a well-established and ever-growing body of scientific evidence linking exposure to air pollution and a number of adverse health effects across all stages of life, with these effects seen ...
Roadside Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) levels, a toxic gas that exacerbates asthma, impedes lung development, and raises the risk of lung cancer, have decreased by a record 27% across the entire capital [1].
The Police and Crime Committee will explore the levels of VAWG amongst young people, what services are available for survivors, as well as the Mayor’s VAWG strategy and prevention principles. The ...
This Mayoral Decision seeks approval, subject to the outcome of the normal budget-setting process for financial years 2025-26 and 2026 27, to continue funding a grant scheme open to all local ...
In London, by 2035, the number of people aged above 60 years is predicted to rise by 48 per cent and the number aged above 80 is set to rise by 70 per cent. This compares to a 12 per cent increase in ...
Collaborative, open, inclusive and fair - we work with and through partners to ensure Londoners can shape healthy, empowered and productive lives. Communities and Skills is led by Executive Director, ...
The London Assembly scrutinises the Mayor's activities by questioning the Mayor about their decisions. The Assembly also investigates issues of importance to London. There are 25 Assembly Members, ...
This report requests the approval of the Deputy Mayor for Planning, Regeneration and the Fire Service to authorise the London Fire Commissioner (LFC) to commit revenue expenditure as set out in Part ...
In his election campaign ahead of the May 2024 elections, the Mayor’s manifesto committed to ‘Making London Greener’, including to: Help schools in London reach net zero. Introduce a new Green Roots ...
Read our information and guidance for renters, and access help and support in case of problems with your landlord.
3.1. The administrative errors identified above are not considered to materially change the assessment of the equality impacts of the fares changes approved in MD3318 and identified in section 3 of ...