Benefits Planner: Retirement | Retirement Age and Benefit …
You can start receiving your Social Security retirement benefits as early as age 62. However, you are entitled to full benefits only when you reach your full retirement age. If you delay taking your benefits from your full retirement age up to age 70, your benefit amount will increase.
Normal Retirement Age - The United States Social Security …
The normal retirement age (NRA) is the age at which retirement benefits (before rounding) are equal to the "primary insurance amount." The table below shows how NRA varies by year of birth for retirees.
Benefits Planner: Retirement | Retirement Age Calculator | SSA
Use the Social Security full retirement age calculator to find out when you are eligible for unreduced retirement benefits based on your birth year.
• How you become eligible for Social Security benefits. • How your earnings and age can affect your benefits. • What you should consider in deciding when to retire. • Why you shouldn’t rely only on Social Security for all your retirement income. This …
Benefits Planner: Retirement | Born in 1960 or later | SSA
If you were born in 1960 your full retirement age is 67. Find out how your Social Security benefits will be affected based on when you begin receiving benefits.
Social Security in retirement | SSA
The Social Security Retirement benefit is a monthly check that replaces part of your income when you reduce your hours or stop working altogether. It may not replace all your income so it's best to identify other ways to pay for your monthly expenses as you age.
Plan for retirement | SSA
Apply for your monthly retirement benefit any time between age 62 and 70. We calculate your payment by looking at how much you've earned throughout your life. The amount will be higher the longer you wait to apply, up until age 70.
Estimate Retirement Benefits | SSA - The United States Social …
With your my Social Security account, you can plan for your future by getting your personalized retirement benefit estimates at age 62, Full Retirement Age (FRA), and age 70. You can also view retirement benefit estimates by: Choosing a future age to begin receiving retirement benefits in years and months or use the new 'Age' scroll bar ...
Eligibility for Social Security in retirement | SSA
You've worked and paid Social Security taxes for 10 years or more; We keep track of how many years you've paid Social Security taxes. Check your Social Security account to see if you're eligible.
Under this rule, you can get a full Social Security check for any whole month you’re retired, regardless of your yearly earnings. In 2025, a person younger than full retirement age for the entire year is considered retired if monthly earnings are $1,950 or less.