Light of My Life Bouquet - FTD
Light of My Life Bouquet Pink Lilies, orange roses, lavender poms, hot pink carnations, and lush greens in a clear glass vase. The bouquet pictured reflects our original design for this product.
Light of My Life Box Bouquet - FTD
From life's big moments to sweet just because sentiments, the Light of My Life Box Bouquet is designed to celebrate your loved ones any day of the year. RSVP'd to the party are hot pink carnations, orange roses, lavender cushion poms and lush greens.
Light of My Life Bouquet and Chocolate Bundle - FTD
Packed with brilliant color, our Light of My Life Bouquet is paired with artisan chocolates for a gift set that sends your sweetest thank you, happy anniversary, or thinking of you wishes.
Light of My Life - FTD
Send light and love with this gorgeous flower arrangement, bringing together orange Asiatic Lilies, fuchsia carnations, and red Peruvian Lilies, beautifully accented with lavender button poms and lush greens in a classic clear glass vase.
Light of My Life - FTD
Light of My Life Orange Asiatic Lilies, fuchsia carnations, red Peruvian Lilies, lavender chrysanthemums and lush greens are perfectly arranged in a clear glass bubble bowl vase to send your sweetest sentiments across the miles.
Light of My Life Bouquet – dev1-ftd
The Light of My Life Bouquet blossoms with brilliant color and a sweet sophistication to create the perfect impression! Pink Lilies make the eyes dance across the unique design of this flower bouquet, surrounded by the blushing colors of orange roses, lavender cushion poms, hot pink carnations, and lush greens.
Light of My Life Box Bouquet – uat-ftd
From life's big moments to sweet just because sentiments, the Light of My Life Box Bouquet is designed to celebrate your loved ones any day of the year. RSVP'd to the party are hot pink carnations, orange roses, lavender cushion poms and lush greens.
Light of My Life Bouquet - FTD
The Light of My Life Bouquet blossoms with brilliant color and a sweet sophistication to create the perfect impression! Pink Lilies make the eyes dance across the unique design of this flower bouquet, surrounded by the blushing colors of orange roses, lavender cushion poms, hot pink carnations, and lush greens.
Light of My Life – FTD
Orange Asiatic Lilies, fuchsia carnations, red Peruvian Lilies, lavender chrysanthemums and lush greens are perfectly arranged in a clear glass bubble bowl vase to send your sweetest sentiments across the miles.
Light of My Life Bouquet and Chocolate Bundle – qa1-ftd
Packed with brilliant color, our Light of My Life Bouquet is paired with artisan chocolates for a gift set that sends your sweetest thank you, happy anniversary, or thinking of you wishes.