John Chrysostom - Wikipedia
He is known for his preaching and public speaking, his denunciation of abuse of authority [6] by both ecclesiastical and political leaders, his Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom, and his ascetic sensibilities. He was also the author of Adversus Judaeos and was strongly anti-Judaism.
St. John Chrysostom - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online
St. John, named Chrysostom (golden-mouthed) on account of his eloquence, came into the world of Christian parents, about the year 344, in the city of Antioch. His mother, at the age of 20, was a model of virtue. He studied rhetoric under Libanius, a pagan, the most famous orator of the age.
St. John Chrysostom - Encyclopedia Britannica
Jan 1, 2025 · St. John Chrysostom (born 347 ce, Antioch, Syria—died September 14, 407, Comana, Helenopontus; Western feast day September 13; Eastern feast day November 13) was an early Church Father, biblical interpreter, and archbishop of Constantinople.
Saint John Chrysostom - Franciscan Media
Sep 13, 2022 · Saint John Chrysostom, the great preacher of Antioch, was the victim of his own success. Called to be a bishop, this simple monk found himself embroiled in the workings of the empire. He, however, managed to stay focused on the needs of the Church.
John Chrysostom: The Golden-Mouth Preacher - Christian ...
Aug 27, 2021 · John Chrysostom (c. 349–407) was the greatest preacher in the early church. “Chrysostom,” meaning “golden-mouth,” was the name given to him by the church for his eloquent preaching about 150 years after his death.
John — whose surname "Chrysostom" occurs for the first time in the "Constitution" of Pope Vigilius (cf. P.L., LX, 217) in the year 553 — is generally considered the most prominent doctor of the Greek Church and the greatest preacher ever heard in a Christian pulpit.
Saint John Chrysostom: Life, Works, Quotations, Prayers
Saint John Chrysostom is one of the Fathers of the Church and Doctor of the Catholic Church. Originally from Antioch, he was Archbishop of Constantinople in the fourth century. His remarkable work, including homilies and liturgies, have survived the centuries.
St. John Chrysostom, Bishop and Doctor of the Church
St. John Chrysostom, XVII century (© Musei Vaticani) The Silent Rhetorician. John was born in 347 in Antioch and was baptized there more than twenty years later. Under the pagan teacher Libanius, he learned rhetoric and Greek literature.
St. John Chrysostom Feast day: Sep 13 - Catholic News Agency
6 days ago · Born in Antioch, c. 347, Saint John Chrysostom (Golden-mouthed) was perhaps the greatest preacher in the history of the Church, thus the name given him, and the most prominent Greek father of the...
St. John Chrysostom - Christian Classics Ethereal Library
St. John, named Chrysostom (golden-mouthed) on account of his eloquence, came into the world of Christian parents, about the year 344, in the city of Antioch. His mother, at the age of 20, was a model of virtue. He studied rhetoric under Libanius, a pagan, the most famous orator of the age.